Legacy: MS-ISAM (isam.exe) for DOS > v.4.0 , Win98, Win2k__Legal to reverse engineer isam.exe ???
Hello,I have a legacy application written in Cobol 2.10 that uses ISAM for it's file access. It's currently running on a MS-DOS4.0 system. Since there is no support anymore for my parallell port printer, I want to move the application to a more recent system that understands USB printers (Win2k possibly).Now, when running isam.exe on Win2K (or any other MS OS higher than MS-DOS4.0), you get an error message that isam.exe only runs on DOS 2 or DOS 3. (but it also works on DOS 4, go figure).Now, I can easily see in the assembler code where the version check is and I can couldthe jump afterwards so isam will work on DOS5 and above.Now, is this legal ? Since it's ancient software and it's not supported anymore, I'd say I won't get into any trouble if I do this. But I just want to make sure.Otherwise I would have to rewrite the application and use some relational db software?Thanks.1 person needs an answerI do too
December 13th, 2009 1:51am

You can run your legacy application in a DOS window of your WinXP or Win2k if you do the following: 1) Add the following line to your "C:\windows\system32\CONFIG.NT" file: device=%SystemRoot%\system32\setver.exe 2) From a command prompt window type the following command: c:/setver ISAM.EXE 4.00
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December 28th, 2009 2:43pm

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